Microsoft & NCKU jointly hold seminar on AI applications

The AI application seminar, which NCKU and Microsoft jointly held in November, sees many participants.

The AI application seminar, which NCKU and Microsoft jointly held in November, sees many participants.


National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) and Microsoft Corporation jointly held a seminar on Nov. 9, with the aims of providing a better understanding of how artificial intelligence (AI) can help people improve their daily lives.
The Microsoft AI Platform and Application, co-organized by the AI Biomedical Research Center of the Ministry of Science and Technology, focuses on how to shape up a better future.
陳守正, Microsoft Taiwan CTO, and Philip Chen, Microsoft Taiwan IoT Cloud Solution Architect, were invited to share their insight on the latest AI developments in the medical, manufacturing and architectural fields. 
The applications of the company’s cloud computing service, Azure, were also highlighted at the event. With the assistance of Azure, people can have better clinic experiences, make orders at restaurants by simply talking to a tablet and save the time of taking notes at meetings, as the system can do all the hustle.
AIoT can also make a difference in urban transformation, including the infrastructure, lighting, air-conditioning, safety, energy saving and cost cutting, the experts said.
The seminar is part of a series of similar events held by NCKU Global Research & Industry Alliance (GLORIA).