Rechi Precision Company with GLORIA NCKU Celebrated its 30th Anniversary

與瑞智精密慶祝30週年慶  成大國盟持續合作推進智慧科技

Rechi Precision Company, a corporate member of GLORIA NCKU, celebrated its 30th Anniversary on September 19th by a series of activities, with the theme of "Transform & Insist, move to our future". GLORIA NCKU and 28 national partners of Rechi were all invited to share the joy.
Held in the Grand Hotel in Taipei, hosted by Rechi and co-organized with GLORIA NCKU, the seminar had invited Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), Beijing Zhixindao Sci-tech Corp., MediaTek, Richtek Technology, National Cheng Kung University, and National Pingtung University of Science and Technology. The subjects include: outlook of the industry development and future applications from the compressor panorama, the future applications of AIoT in the home appliance industry, the drive solution of new inverter air-conditioner, innovative pulse-type heat pipe with high power heat emission, the prospective technology of 3D printing in motor application, and application of vibration noise technology in the industry from the view of Industry 4.0. All of them demonstrate the research and development capacity of Taiwan's air-conditioning and energy-saving industries. 
In December 2018, Rechi Precision Company and NCKU signed a memorandum for establishing a cooperative research center. In order to get the pulse of current needs, specifically solutions for improving future smart homes and new kinds of compressor technologies, manufacturing processes, and product chains, the first step in the process was to field applications and proposals for creative and cutting edge research projects. The new research center has been a training ground for up-and-coming talent from the fields of science, engineering, design development, and management. Together they worked in tandem and push forward in the smart home appliance industry and create a new future for home living.
Rechi Precision Company was founded in 1989. Having a close pulse on the electric home appliances industry, it is currently an air conditioning compressor industry leader as the world’s number four in compressor manufacturing. Rechi Precision has also worked closely with NCKU for many years and has spared little resources to train up new talent. In the past three years alone, the company has donated $3 million NTD in student scholarships. From 2015 to date, it has been avidly promoting the Masters program in the Design of Electrical Machinery under NCKU’s Department of Electrical Engineering and spurring collaborations between academia and industry. In addition, the company offers NCKU students plentiful internships and organizes group tours of its factories in China with the aim of giving students a deeper look into how enterprises operate while engaging in technological exchanges and broadening their world view. Rechi Precision Company also offers NCKU graduates a chance to get involve in the global market in the form of employment opportunities.
NCKU is a comprehensive school and research institution for the sciences. It was globally ranked by Thomson Reuters for its volume of academic papers in the field of electric home appliances. Domestically, NCKU is ranked number one in this regard. Be it energy planning, green energy development, artificial intelligence, or industrial design, all these fields have immense growth potential. GLORIA NCKU will also help shoulder responsibilities of helping bottlenecked companies quickly find breakthroughs in the form of academic resources and at the same time establish a direct pipeline between NCKU talent and the industry at large, which will accelerate the establishment of the connection between Taiwan’s smart home appliances and the international market.